Check the plot boundaries and
land zone in Bali
online in 1 minute

Get accurate information about the size of the plot,
land use, land owner and NIB information.

Already trusted by industry leaders
Get accurate information about the size of the plot, land use, land owner and NIB information.

Get access to 89,000 Bali plots online
Save time to analyze and select land
Find the land you need
in 1 minute
Get access a database of all government data - exact parcel sizes and boundaries, land use designation, parcel owners and NIB information.
Find the land you need in 1 minute
Check neighboring
parcels of land
Find out who your neighbors will be.
Check the characteristics of nearby lots. You may find the best options with the perfect purpose for your commercial activity.

Look at flood zones during the rainy season
Eliminate the risk of flooding your plot during the rainy season if your plot is in a low-lying area or near a jungle.
Check the location online
Use the "Find Me" feature to check land information right now without entering exact coordinates.
Find the land you need in 1 minute
Save money, avoid scams
You can avoid long and costly trips to the notary.
And prevent land fraud, delays and costly mistakes.
Find the best plot of land for your investment or commercial activity
Save time to analyze and select land
When you click on a piece of land, you'll see its boundaries and all of its data

We update all databases on a regular basis

Cost of using mylokasi service
Land Analytics

Zoning Information
$ 19 per month

NIB Land Identification

Land Use Information
Support included
1 month of usage
Free Demo
Limited 3 Land Searches

Land Analytics

Zoning Information
$ 0

NIB Land Identification

Land Use Information
Choose a plan
Work with all Bali island land base online and protect your investment from frauds
Ensure the success of your investment with transparent and reliable land data.

Check the details of any piece of land in 1 minute, helping you avoid potential fraud and costly mistakes.

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